Hi, I’m Ashik Nesin a Web Developer focused mainly on the Back End based in Chennai, India. Currently a Developer at NFNLabs,
I am currently doing my bachelor of engineering in Computer Science & Engineering. I develop customized applications and provide web consultation services for clients.
I first became interested in programming and sort of little bit more about computers when I was about 13. I taught myself programming & internet marketing through tutorials, forums and all those stuffs.
I’m not a ‘guru’ nor am I make $$$$ a month with my apps. I’m just normal guy just like you with great passion to learn and share about technology.
Why an I doing this site?
I love writing, programming, and helping others. So AshikNesin.com is where it all comes together.
Wanna stay connected with me ?
I’m available in almost every social networking sites where we can connect with each other, Mostly you can find me active at Facebook and Twitter
Enjoy the blog, and have a great day 🙂