If you are like most people who uses computer everyday chances are your would tweak it to improve the performance of it.
Even few seconds improvement will make a huge impact for us and make use more productive 🙂
Now we’ll see about configuring Windows 8.1 to automatically login without the need to enter password every time.
It’s very simple and won’t take more than 20 seconds. (Yeah! 20 seconds…By the way 60 seconds is maximum).
- Open up Run Dialog box. (It’s shortcut is Windows + R key)
-  Then enter netplwiz using it.
- Un-check the “User must enter a username and password to use this computer”.
- Then enter the Password in “Automatically sign in” dialog box.
Here’s few snaps for your reference.
That’s it..
Got any problems or want to share any cool tweak ?
Let us know in the comments below.
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