Blocking websites is very common thing that happen in every workspace or educational institutions. They will give very restricted Internet access to us.
It is really frustrating because most of the time harmless sites are also blocked.
Are you facing this problem?
You don’t need to worry anymore 🙂
Here is a quick way to bypass firewall like Kerio Control or Watch Guard HTTP proxy and access blocked websites.
Highly Recommend Article for you : How to access blocked websites in College or Office
1. Browsing on HTTPS connection
You just need to use secure connection (https version) is that website. It’s nothing but a secure connection where all data in that website will be encrypted so that you can browse without any restrictions.
For example if you want to visit YouTube then you need to visit instead of
What if that site doesn’t have secure connection?
We all know the fact that most of the websites don’t have secure connection.
No need to worry about it.
Here is a quick trick for you…
Just go to MjatSoft’s Proxy and follow the instructions and browse without restrictions
BTW… It’s hosted on Google’s Infrastructure so its speed will be awesome.
Note : We cannot access done dynamic websites like Facebook using it 🙁
Still can’t access your favorite site?
Most probably your network administrator had blocked that websites explicitly so that we cannot access even secure connection.
That’s what happened in my college 🙁
It’s time to show our smartness by still browsing those blocked sites.
2. By using Tor Browsers
It’s one of the most popular browser out there to hide our identity on Internet. So we are gonna use it to access blocked websites. It is used by millions of people so we don’t need to worry about our privacy.
Unlike the above method we can browse any website like Facebook or torrent sites
Just download it and configure it to your network (if needed). To run this we need to open “Start Tor Browser.exe“
In my college I can only access Internet by using the following proxy details
Host :
Port : 8080
So I need to configure Tor browser with the following details.
Does this method works for you?
Did you got any other methods to bypass it?
Let us know your huge thoughts in comments below.
I tried almost every article about how to access blocked website but those articles didn’t work with Krieo Control
Your was so easy to understand. And it’s working!
Enjoy it, Avery 🙂
Hi, brother i’m studying in an engineering institute, i live in a hostel, where internet access is restricted for common students, we can only access internet from 12:00 AM to 5:00PM after that we can’t access internet service. when i open any website it says to login through Kerio Control Firewall. Please tell me a method to heck that user name and password of Kerio control set by our admin.
Thanks in advance.
you tube is blocked in ubuntu by server admin. pls help me to bypass it